Definitions of the Clairsenses

Definitions of the Clairsenses


Meaning ‘clear hearing.’ It is the ability to hear in a paranormal way. Someone with this ability can pick up thoughts and energies, hearing them as sounds words, voices and or ideas, may be heard within ones own mind or out loud but not heard by others.


Meaning ‘clear tasting.’ It is the ability to perceive tastes.


Meaning ‘clear emotion.’ To feel the emotions of others.


Meaning ‘clear smelling.’ It is the ability to perceive smells.(Fragrances, cigarette smoke, odours etc).


Meaning ‘clear feeling.’ It is the ability to sense energy fields, via auras, vibrations, and the presence of spirits and entities. Sensations of emotions, pains, ailments can also be picked up. There is a prophetic use of this ability, you just know what is, have dreams that turn to reality. (precognition)


Meaning ‘clear touching.’ An ability to read via psychometry. An ability to touch an object or hold it, perceive Physically information from the spirit/etheric realms.


Meaning ‘clear seeing.’ It is the ability to perceive visually, to see images, symbols, colours, moving pictures ( much like watching a video), on occasion as if being within the picture, a part of it, yet detached from, all within the mind’s eye, eyes may be open or closed.


Spirit that wishes to pass messages over

Palmistry (Chiromancy)

A reading given from the study of the hands. In the original Hebrew of the book ( Chap. xxxvii ver 7). We find these significant words, “God caused signs or seals on the hands of all the sons of men, that the sons of men might know their works.”


Person that is having the reading.

Psychic Private Eye

Person that can give evidence that will be useful with a Legal or Personal issue.


Person that has not yet had a reading with me ( NO RISK MONEY BACK GUARANTEE).